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The Sylglas waterproofing tapes are self-adhesive, flexible and used for general waterproofing and sealing jobs around the home and garden.

Uses include:
Sealing exposed glazing bars on conservatories, greenhouses and cold frames.
Sealing and repairing gutters and down pipes.
Waterproofing of insulation or pipe lagging.
Protection of above ground metal and garden tools from corrosion.

The Sylglas SYLWT75 waterproofing tape has the following dimensions:
Size: 75mm wide
4 metre roll.

Sylglas Waterproofing Tape 75mm/3in 4m
Nett weight0.442kg
Web Exclusive
Not available in-store
Currently no stock Available
Price (Each)£17.38
Sylglas Waterproofing Tape 50mm/2in 4m
Web Exclusive - Not available in-store
Sylglas Waterproofing Tape 50mm/2in 4m
Our Price
Sylglas 094516 Sylglas Tape 4m X 100mm
Web Exclusive - Not available in-store
Sylglas 094516 Sylglas Tape 4m X 100mm
Our Price