Trading Since 1912

"A fine business you have here, I would like to buy it." This very direct offer was put by Donald Mackay to the owner of Alsop & Sons Wheelwright business. The deal was struck with a handshake over the anvil. So began the Mackay family business on the East Road site in June 1912.
On this site we have seen historic developments. We have built some of the worlds first Radio telescopes, also the first crystal growing chambers for the high tech industry. We have developed and patented a unique method of building spiral staircases and lots more highly prestigious projects. Many Nobel prize winning scientists have crossed the threshold of our shop and workshops in search of solutions to problems.
Mackays has always been flexible and moved into and out of markets as fashions and demands changed. We may look old fashioned but we certainly move with the times.
Our proving increasingly popular.
Our traditional marketsHand Tools,Power Tools, Ironmongery andFasteners & Fixingshave been widened to includeLadders & Access equipment,Personal Protection equipmentandGarden Tools.
We have recently launched our newStorage Solutionswebsite which covers everything frommezzanine floorstosmall parts containers.
OurMetals Warehouseis able to cutferrous and non ferrous metalsto size, it also has a small works section, which can manufacture light engineering jobs to your specification.
When you want to celebrate rely on Mackays to provide the very best range ofFireworksto make sure your party goes with a bang!! We have an all year license and we only deal with quality suppliers.
We would like to thank our customers and staff, past and present, for helping our family business develop over the past century. If history has taught us one thing it is that we must not 'rest on our laurels'. Now, let us think, what will the next development be?
Cambridge Historian
TheCambridge HistorianFonz Chamberlain recently interviewed Duncan Mackay about our History.
We would like to thank Fonz Chamberlain for his time and effort producing this podcast. For more information about Cambridge History, please visit theCambridge Historian Blog.
Monday 6th January 2014